Alam Mayang Fishing pond

Alam Mayang Fishing pond that is prepared as one of the flagship tourism destination Pekanbaru, Alam Mayang located on Jl. H. Imam Munandar, approximately 8 km from the city center district of Bukit Raya Pekanbaru. Alam Mayang name of a pond or fishing facilities located at km 8 road Harapan Raya, Kelurahan Tangkerang East, Bukit Raya district, Pekanbaru.


Here are three ponds with an area of ​​18,560 meters and a whole variety of fish such as carp, fat, Sepat siam indigo and we are ready to take home for the family. Even more fun fishing with the family because in the pool area there is a small cafeteria. Opens the opportunity every day to relax in Nature Mayang and occasionally we also tested the ability of the fishing contest. Not only is it now Alam Mayang Pekanbaru also provide outbound places like the picture beside.

Natural recreational purposes has proved very popular and even people from outside the city of Pekanbaru is also a lot of recreation there, because the atmosphere is cool and comfortable to be used for various things and activities, not just for fishing.

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